สันทนีย์ มะโนมาศ (แอน)
GERMAN, German Conversation, TOEIC
- Master degree of Germanistics, University of Siegen, Germany (Oct 2017 - present)
- Bachelor degree of German language, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok (Graduation :Mar 2012) - M6., English-Math Major, Satree Phuket School, Phuket (Graduation :Feb 2007)
- an exchange student in Germany for 1 year, AFS Intercultural Program (Duration:
Sep 2006 - Jul 2007)
- German and English Tutor, www.MyCourselive.com, online (Jul 2019 - Present)
- German interpreter for delegation group from Cooperative Promotion Department in Bonn and Stuttgart, Germany (16 - 19 Jul 2019)
- German teacher, Rungarun School,Bangkok (Jun 2015 - Feb 2017)
- German and English Tutor, Acknowledge Center, Bangkok (Jan 2015 - Oct 2017)
- Freelance German and English Tutor (2009 - Dec 2014)
- German and English Customer Service, IMG Limited Thailand, Chachoengsao (Jan 2015 - Jun 2015)
- German and English Coordinator, CLX Thai Co Ltd, Phuket (Oct 2012 - Dec 2014)